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Everything You Need to Know About OSHA's Silica Standard

Do you still have questions about OSHA's new silica standard? We've got you covered.

On September 23, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) began its enforcement of the respirable crystalline silica standard for construction. This standard has been a topic of conversation for over a year and is set to make big changes in the construction industry.

Key provisions for the standard include the reduction of the permissible exposure limit (PEL) for respirable crystalline silica to 50 micrograms per cubic meter of air, averaged over an 8-hour shift. Additionally, employers will now be required to do such things as use engineering controls (such as water or ventilation) to limit worker exposure to the PEL, develop a written exposure control plan, and offer medical exams to highly exposed workers.

During the first 30 days of the rule's enforcement OSHA will evaluate good faith efforts taken by employers in an attempt to meet the new silica standard for construction.

Concrete Construction has been covering this new standard and it's progress since it was announced. Below is a list of articles explaining the standard and the effect that it will have on the construction industry. For more information, visit OSHA's website:

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