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Personal Protective and Life Saving Equipment – 1926.100 Head Protection

Hard hats are commonplace at the construction site (Jones, 2016). They protect workers a number of hazards such as falling and flying objects, electrical shock and other impacts (Jones, 2016).

Workers: Workers are required to wear head protection wherever there is the potential for being struck in the head, which is basically the entire time you are on the construction site (Jones, 2016). Possible scenarios include falling tools or debris, accidental nail gun discharge, contact with electrical hazards or swinging construction equipment (Jones, 2016). Workers should inspect their hard hat for any cracks, dents or any signs of deterioration (Jones, 2016). Hard hats should fit snugly on your head and not come loose during normal movements or work activities (Jones, 2016).

Employers: Employers are responsible for providing all employees with head protection that meets consensus standards outlined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or is constructed in accordance with one of those consensus standards (Jones, 2016). Employers are not allowed to charge employees for the cost of head protection or require them to provide their own hard hat unless they do so voluntarily (Jones, 2016). Hard hats should be kept in good condition and be replaced immediately if they suffer a heavy blow or electric shock (Jones, 2016).


Jones, K. (2016). 10 Construction Site Safety Tips. Retrieved from

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